stylish mom at the beach
Motherhood - Pinay Style

Discovering Your Personal Style as a New Mom: 7 Ways

Welcome and congratulations, mamas! You’re doing an amazing job juggling a million things at once!

And while that spit-up stain on your shirt might seem like a permanent accessory right now, it doesn’t have to define your personal style as a new mom.

Whether you’re a mom for the first time or the fifth, finding your own unique sense of style can feel like a daunting task between feedings, diaper changes, and endless laundry stacks.

But fear not, because, in this blog post, we’re going to help you unlock 7 practical and fun ways to discover your personal style as a new mom.

Start with inspiration

Fashion is an ongoing cycle of trends and timeless looks. As a new mom, discovering your personal style can be overwhelming when trying to find outfits that reflect your true style and are practical for motherhood.

stylish woman smiling

With style changes that happen as fast as the seasons, it can be difficult to stay inspired and up-to-date with the best mom wardrobe you deserve. 

So, start your search for inspiration by following fashion bloggers and influencers who share looks that fit your style and lifestyle. 

The best way to get inspired is to follow the latest fashion blogs and social media accounts run by new moms. 

Take note of pieces that catch your eye, colors that make you happy, and silhouettes that make you feel confident. This will help you establish a personal style direction that feels like you and your lifestyle as a mom.

Look in your closet

Discovering your personal style as a new mom need not be expensive.

Guess where’s one of the best places to start? Yep, you got it – the deep, dark depths of your closet! Go on, take a peek, and unleash the hidden treasures within!

Take a tour of your own wardrobe before running to the store or online retailer. Take a moment to dive into your wardrobe and unearth those hidden gems that make you feel like the gorgeous superstar you truly are!

Look for pieces that are comfortable but stylish. See if there are any pieces you can mix, match, or transform to create an individualized style of your own. 

Plus, you may find some hidden gems in there – something that you’ve forgotten about or never thought to wear with something else as part of your wardrobe. 

Discovering your personal style as a new mom is all about finding those pieces that not only make you feel confident and comfortable but also bring out your unique sparkle.

What could be more exciting than flaunting a fabulous outfit that’s already hanging in your closet?

Don’t forget your bra and underpants

Many of us moms forget that our foundation for any outfit begins with what lies beneath.

When discovering your personal style, don’t underestimate the power of good quality undergarments like bras and panties that complement your shape and make you feel comfortable and confident.

woman in underwear

Invest in good quality pieces that are both stylish and supportive.

Remember: quality matters when it comes to feeling beautiful from the inside out. The last thing you want is to feel uncomfortable or insecure about your body when you’re already juggling several other tasks on top of being a mom.

Invest in versatile pieces

As I mentioned, the clothes trend changes as fast as the seasons. 

That’s precisely why investing in versatile pieces is an ingenious way to get more bang for your buck!

stylish woman in classic outfit

Look for timeless pieces that you can wear on different occasions, be it casual days running errands or when attending an event or special occasion. 

Some great options include denim pieces like a comfortable pair of jeans, leggings, or a wrap dress. You could also keep a couple of class black dresses that can be accessorized differently for each occasion.

Of course, let’s not forget your shoes. Sneakers, flat mules, or loafers are great for everyday wear and can easily be dressed up with the right accessories.

The bottom line is to invest in quality basics that will act as a building block for any look you create, allowing you to get more mileage out of your wardrobe. 

These are pieces that will last longer and help keep your style fresh, no matter what season or trend is currently in fashion. 

That way, discovering your personal style as a new mom can become fun and effortless. 

Don’t ditch your maternity wardrobe entirely

Good news! You don’t have to discard your maternity clothes just because they fit a bit snugly post-baby. Keep them as they can refresh your wardrobe without breaking the bank. No need for an extensive shopping spree!

Those sweatpants you’ve used to lounge around during your pregnancy? Keep them. 

Perhaps wear it with a stylish top and a pair of sandals for an effortlessly chic look. 

maternity wardrobe

Additionally, you can use maternity pieces to layer under or over other pieces in your wardrobe to give it a whole different twist. 

The possibilities are endless! 

Don’t hesitate to get creative with the treasures hiding in your maternity closet! Before you indulge in new shopping sprees, prepare to be blown away by the boundless possibilities that lie within your own wardrobe.

Let your imagination run wild and see the magic you can create!

Embrace statement accessories

Listen up, new moms! Don’t think for a second that becoming a mom means losing your personal style. 

Au contraire! 

Accessories are here to save the day and add some serious pizzazz to any of your outfits. Take your t-shirt outfit from basic to bold without too much effort.

stylish accessories

Think jewelry, hats, scarves, shoes, and the holy grail of fashion – handbags! The possibilities are endless when it comes to jazzing up your look with these fabulous statement pieces. Get ready to rock that mom style with confidence and flair!

So let discovering your personal style as a new mom be a fun journey and add some vibrant accessories to your wardrobe.

It’s all about experimenting, having fun, and knowing what makes you feel beautiful inside out! 

Besides, who wouldn’t want to add more sparkle and shine to their wardrobe?

Look for inspiration from other moms

Motherhood can be lonely and challenging, and I know you may agree. Imagine running errands every other day with a baby in tow without the motivation or confidence to present yourself stylishly. 

You may feel alone in your struggles, thinking that no one else can relate.

Destigmatize that myth and don’t hesitate to reach out and share experiences with other moms in your community.

women friends

When it comes to style, it’s a great way to get inspired, revive your mood, or simply feel appreciated and understood.

Moreover, you can look for inspiration and style tips from other moms. Follow Instagram accounts, read blogs, and join online communities dedicated to fashion-savvy mamas!

Take note of their fashion choices in their different outfits without feeling overwhelmed by what they have achieved. 

However you want to approach this, let their style serve as a form of inspiration and a great source for discovering new fashion trends and getting ideas for items you may want to add to your wardrobe.

The Bottom Line

Discovering your personal style as a new mom can be an exciting journey that should be fun and stress-free. 

Remember, your style is all about expressing your personality and making you feel like the badass mom that you truly are! 

Spend less time worrying about what others think and more time embracing your own unique style. Get adventurous with your looks, explore new trends, and never be afraid to take bold risks. 

Let your style shine and inspire others!

So go ahead and rock that leopard print breastfeeding shirt combined with your favorite pair of jeans and statement earrings. You got this, mama!

So go ahead and rock that leopard print breastfeeding shirt combined with your favorite pair of jeans and statement earrings. You got this, mama!

After all, motherhood is already a bold and courageous journey in itself.