HR for Moms

Solo Parents Welfare Act: Know Your Rights As Single Moms

Being a single parent in the Philippines is tough, and it can be overwhelming to juggle the responsibilities of providing for your family while also being there for your children.

If you’re a single mom looking for more support or just curious about what this law is all about, read along!

Here, you’ll discover The Expanded Solo Parents Welfare Act, what it covers, and what benefits you can avail as a single mother.

But before we get into it, I just want to give a shout-out and a high-five to all the supermoms out there rocking the parenting journey all on your own. This act acknowledges your superhero status and hooks you up with some amazing rights and benefits.

You’re not alone, mama!

Understanding the Expanded Solo Parents Welfare Act

Since the enactment of Republic Act No 8972, the welfare of single moms and dads has come a long way. This got a makeover and turned into a new law: Republic Act 11861, also known as the Expanded Solo Parents Welfare Act, on June 4, 2022.

In a nutshell, this law helps single parents and their children from poverty by providing cash subsidies, medical supplements, and special projects. It also aims to enhance the quality of life for single parents in partnership with the national government and welfare institutions, focusing on childhood development, health care, behavior management, and solo parenting.

Source: Pexels

Who Qualifies as a Solo Parent?

Here’s the thing: just because you’re a single mom or dad doesn’t automatically qualify you as a solo parent under RA 11861.

There are certain criteria that you must meet to be considered a solo parent and avail of the benefits. According to the law, you may qualify if your situation falls under the following circumstances:

(1) A parent who provides sole care and support for the child(ren);

(2) A spouse, family member, or guardian of the child/children of an overseas Filipino worker [OFW], if the OFW is a low/semi-skilled worker who has been away for 12 consecutive months;

(3)An unwed parent who raises the child or children;

(4) Legal guardian, adoptive, or foster parent providing sole parental care and support;

(5) A relative within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity who assumes parental care and support of a child due to death, abandonment, disappearance, or absence of the parents for at least six months;

Source: Pexels

(6) A pregnant woman providing sole care and support to the unborn child or children.

Various Benefits Under RA 11861

If you’re a single mom, this law ensures parental leave benefits and flexible work schedules. It shields against work discrimination, offering additional assistance like medical and housing benefits.

Furthermore, it encompasses various social welfare programs and financial aid, significantly impacting the lives of single parents.

Parental Leave Benefits

Solo parent employees who have been working in a company for at least one (1) year of service are allowed up to seven (7) days of parental leave per calendar year, with full pay.

So if you have some parental duties going on, this will be a relief for you as it gives you the time and flexibility to attend to your child’s needs without worrying about work.

Being a single parent means being the ultimate multitasker, juggling more responsibilities than a circus performer. This provision is a lifeline for those who do it all on their own.

Source: Pexels

Special Provisions for Flexible Work Schedule

Another benefit for single-working moms is provisions for flexible work schedules under the Solo Parent’s Welfare Act, allowing them to effectively balance work and parental duties.

There’s a catch: flexible work hours can only be provided if your work isn’t physically demanding or requires you to be present at a specific location.

However, for jobs that can accommodate flexible hours, this is a great opportunity for you to create a schedule that works best for you and your children.

Protection Against Work Discrimination

By ensuring equal opportunities, this act safeguards single moms and dads from discriminatory practices in the workplace.

You see, it’s all about promoting your welfare and prohibiting any unfair treatment based on your single-parent status.

Yes, you deserve protection against any kind of unfair treatment. That’s how every mother keeps her child’s best interests at heart – by ensuring that her own rights and well-being are protected.

Provision for Extra Support and Assistance

Single moms out there get additional benefits and extra support from the government.

This includes financial assistance through monthly cash aid, and discounts on your child’s essentials such as baby milk, food, diapers, medicines, and vaccines.

Source: Pexels

Moreover, single moms can apply for training program scholarships, and get preference in low-cost housing projects of the government.

Because let’s face it, raising children on your own is not an easy task – physically, emotionally, and financially. With extra support, you can focus on providing the best for your children without worrying about struggling alone.

How to Apply for the Solo Parent Benefits?

Securing a valid Solo Parent ID from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in your area is the first step. When you provide the necessary documents to the local government units and fill out the application form, they’ll assess eligibility.

Documents Required for Application

The application process requires proof of solo parenting or custody of the child/children, valid government-issued identification cards, and proof of residence.

Additionally, birth certificates of the children, proof of income, and Barangay Certification of Residency and Income are essential. Depending on local government units, additional documents may be necessary, to ensure a smooth application process.

Renewal Process for Solo Parent Benefits

Here’s the thing: your ID as a solo parent is good only for a year. Why is that?

Well, what if your relationship status changes?

The one-year validity of the Solo Parent ID may seem like a short period, but it’s necessary to ensure that the benefits are given to those who truly need them. The renewal process helps government agencies assess solo parents’ eligibility and make necessary adjustments.

How Does RA 11861 Impact the Lives of Filipino Single Moms?

Let’s be real: there are so many single moms out there. Some of them work at minimum wage, and some don’t have work at all.

Source: Pexels

The Solo Parents Act makes a significant difference in the lives of Filipino single moms and their families. By offering housing benefits, scholarship programs, and medical assistance, this law can help moms who belong to low-income homes and face the challenges of raising a child on their own.

What do they get out of the benefits?

The housing benefits provide them with a safe and stable home environment, ensuring that their children have a suitable place to grow up in. Every mom wants a roof over their child’s head.

The scholarship programs offered under RA 11861 allow single moms to pursue further education or vocational training. This opens up doors for better job opportunities and higher earning potential, empowering them to provide a better future for their children.

Medical assistance is crucial for single moms, ensuring quality healthcare for themselves and their children. It promotes well-being, reduces financial burdens, and allows them to focus on providing a nurturing environment for their kids.

Source: Pexels

Overall, the benefits provided by RA 11861 give Filipino single moms the support they need to navigate the challenges of solo parenting. By addressing their housing, educational, and healthcare needs, this act helps create a more inclusive society where single moms can thrive and provide a bright future for their children.

Single Moms – You’re Not Alone

The Expanded Solo Parents Welfare Act is a valuable source of support and advantages for single moms in the Philippines.

To all single moms, know your rights. Take advantage of what our government can do to support your journey as you go through the challenges of solo parenting.

After all, not alone. There’s a community of strong and resilient single moms who are just like you, facing similar challenges and striving towards a better future for their children.