• HR for Moms

    SMART Goals: 5 Reasons Why They Fail (And What You Can Do About It)

    Goal-setting is an essential part of personal and professional development. We all have ambitions and dreams that we strive to achieve. And to turn those dreams into reality, we often rely on the SMART goal framework. However, despite its popularity, many people still struggle to achieve success with it. In this blog, we will explore the reasons why SMART goals fail and discuss what you can do to overcome these challenges. But first – Understanding the SMART Acronym SMART goals are more than just a catchy acronym – they are a powerful tool for goal setting and achievement. Let’s take a closer look at the definition and importance of SMART…

  • Earn Money Smarter

    Grow Your Money: 5 Smart Investments for Filipino Working Moms

    It’s not ideal to live from one paycheck to the next. But as hardworking Filipino moms, we know that we deserve financial security and stability. We want to create a better future for ourselves and our families. Here’s the reality: most Philippine households cannot live on one stream of income alone. Yes, we have big dreams of a comfortable life for our families. However, relying solely on job income may not be enough to achieve all our financial goals. That’s why we need to explore smart investments for Filipino working moms. These are opportunities that can help grow our money and secure our future. Are you ready to take control…

  • HR for Moms

    Jo Koy’s Golden Globe Monologue: New Hire Key Takeaways

    The 81st Golden Globe Awards delivered an array of unforgettable moments, with a lot of guests with the perfect beauty and impeccable fashion gracing the red carpet. It was broadcast live to a global audience and was hosted by Filipino-American comedian Jo Koy, who’s known for his hilarious stand-up comedy and captivating stage presence. Now, for those who watch the different Hollywood awards events, we all know that the host’s monologue at the start of the show sets the tone and expectations for the rest of the evening. It’s the key moment that any host wants to nail. Compared to recent years, 2024 was the first time that the Hollywood…

  • Life Hacks for Work and Home

    Time Management Tips that DON’T Work

    We all have the same 24 hours in a day, yet some people seem to get so much done while others can barely keep their heads above water. You look to the internet for time management tips that promise to solve all your problems and help you become a productivity superhero. But, let’s face it, not all of these tips actually work. Yep, we’re going to get real about these time management tips that DON’T work. The Myth of Multitasking When you say multitasking, you’re doing different tasks simultaneously, right? Well, here’s the brutal truth: multitasking is a myth. Why? Because our brains are not designed to focus on multiple…

  • HR for Moms

    Solo Parents Welfare Act: Know Your Rights As Single Moms

    Being a single parent in the Philippines is tough, and it can be overwhelming to juggle the responsibilities of providing for your family while also being there for your children. If you’re a single mom looking for more support or just curious about what this law is all about, read along! Here, you’ll discover The Expanded Solo Parents Welfare Act, what it covers, and what benefits you can avail as a single mother. But before we get into it, I just want to give a shout-out and a high-five to all the supermoms out there rocking the parenting journey all on your own. This act acknowledges your superhero status and…

  • Motherhood - Pinay Style

    Career and Motherhood: The Struggles of Being a Working Mom

    Being a working mom is no easy feat. You’re a true superhero, juggling your career and motherhood with grace and strength. We understand the challenges that come with this role – from practical issues to emotional struggles, it’s a lot to handle. But remember, you’re not alone in this journey. In this blog, we’re going to explore the unique struggles of being a working mom, delve into the reasons for increased stress and anxiety, and discuss how to prevent burnout and exhaustion. We’ll also touch upon the importance of self-care for working moms and how employers can provide better support. So, let’s dive in together and uncover the insights that…

  • Motherhood - Pinay Style

    5 Things for Working Moms to Focus on When You Just Lost Your Job

    Being a working mom is a challenging yet rewarding role that many of us take on with pride. But what happens when, unexpectedly, we find ourselves without a job? Oh, the emotional toll and financial strain can be overwhelming! Believe me, I’ve been there. Losing your job as a working mom can feel like a huge blow, but it’s important to remember that this is not the end. In these moments, it’s crucial to stay proactive and positive, not only for ourselves but for our family members, too. In this blog, we’ll explore five essential things for working moms to focus on when they’ve just lost their job. 1) Take…