Life Hacks for Work and Home

Time Management Tips that DON’T Work

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, yet some people seem to get so much done while others can barely keep their heads above water.

You look to the internet for time management tips that promise to solve all your problems and help you become a productivity superhero.

But, let’s face it, not all of these tips actually work.

Yep, we’re going to get real about these time management tips that DON’T work.

The Myth of Multitasking

When you say multitasking, you’re doing different tasks simultaneously, right?

Well, here’s the brutal truth: multitasking is a myth. Why? Because our brains are not designed to focus on multiple tasks at once.

Source: Pexels

The human brain simply isn’t capable of truly focusing on multiple tasks at once. Instead, it rapidly switches between tasks, leading to reduced efficiency and increased stress.

Of course, multitasking may seem like a good idea. I mean, who doesn’t want to be Superman and Flash at the time, right?

Why it doesn’t work

When the brain struggles with simultaneous tasks, productivity takes a hit.

You know what’s interesting? Multitasking leads to a lack of concentration and a decrease in the quality of our work.

Thinking we’re efficient by multitasking, but our brains constantly switch gears, requiring time to refocus each time we switch tasks.

You’re left with not much energy to get through the rest of the day.

The best way is to focus on one task at a time. This allows your brain to fully engage and concentrate on the task at hand.

By focusing solely on one task, you can boost productivity and produce higher-quality work.

The Misconception of “The Early Bird Gets the Worm”

Success isn’t tethered to early rising.

In fact, productivity hinges on uncovering your optimal time, not just the crack of dawn.

Source: Pexels

While the classic saying suggests that the “early bird gets the worm,” it’s important to recognize that everyone has different energy levels and peak productivity times.

For some individuals, waking up early and starting their day before anyone else can be incredibly beneficial. However, for others, this may not be the case.

The key is to understand your own body’s natural rhythm and identify when you feel most alert and focused. This could be in the early morning, midday, or even late at night.

By working during your optimal time, you can maximize your efficiency and achieve better results.

Prowess is not about waking up early, but about the caliber of your output.

Embracing your natural rhythm leads to better energy management and heightened efficiency.

The Fallacy of Time Audits

When you think of time audits, you might envision meticulously tracking every minute of your day to identify where your time is being wasted. While this approach can be helpful for some individuals, it’s not the only way to improve time management.

The fallacy lies in the belief that time audits are a one-size-fits-all solution.

The thing is, each person has their own unique circumstances and priorities, so what works for one may not work for another. This can create unnecessary stress and pressure, as it may not accurately reflect the actual time spent on tasks.

Instead of fixating on every minute, prioritize and set goals. Identify tasks that align with your objectives and allocate time accordingly.

Source: Pexels

Better alternatives to time audits

To boost productivity, prioritize task completion over time allocation. Use task-based metrics and tools like Google Calendar to track progress effectively.

Assess productivity based on goal achievement, elevating time management skills.

The Thing with the Pomodoro Technique

One of the best practices known is the Pomodoro Technique. This method promotes working in focused bursts with short regular breaks in between.

Let me tell you why it doesn’t work.

For some, the constant start-stop rhythm can disrupt their flow and hinder productivity. That’s because this method thrives on the idea of strict time management, which can feel constricting to some individuals.

Let’s face it: not all tasks fit neatly into 25-minute intervals.

Some projects call for deep focus and immersion, while others require longer stretches of uninterrupted time.

Setting time limits and constantly interrupting your concentration every 25 minutes can be counterproductive.

To be honest, it’s a bit annoying too.

Plus, each of us has our own peak productivity periods. A 25-minute work session might feel too short, while a 5-minute break might not be enough to recharge.

Listen to your body

You can still plan and organize your day by incorporating elements of the Pomodoro Method. Take breaks when you feel mentally fatigued and allow longer stretches of uninterrupted work when necessary.

Embrace your natural rhythm.

Listen to your body’s energy levels and adjust your work schedule accordingly.

That way, you don’t have to force yourself into a rigid time management structure that might not suit your needs.

The Deceptive Urgent Versus Important

Imagine this: stress levels are high. You have a gazillion important things on your plate due the next day and you’re figuring out the first thing you need to finish.

So you decide to write a to-do list (and related tasks!) to avoid a visual clutter that could further add to your stress.

You follow the classic time management advice of categorizing tasks into “urgent” and “important.” However, as you start prioritizing, you realize that not all tasks fit neatly into these categories.

Ugh. Now what? Your afternoon slump is hitting hard, and you’re left feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to start.

That right there, is a common challenge faced by many when it comes to time management.

The problem with these two terms

Hear me out: the idea of categorizing tasks as “urgent” or “important” is a helpful concept, but it can also be deceptive.


In the first place, urgent and important mean the same thing!

Your mind is just confusing you to differentiate these two, maybe because you need to define the amount of time it takes to complete the task or the level of importance it holds for you.

Make impact your immediate attention

Consider this: there are a lot of tasks that seem urgent because they have looming deadlines, but are they truly important in the grand scheme of things?

On the other hand, there are similar tasks that may not be urgent, but they are vital to your long-term goals and overall productivity.

Instead of getting caught up in labeling a task as an important task or an urgent task, why don’t you focus on understanding the true nature and impact of each one that’s aligned with your goals?

Ask yourself questions like What will happen if I don’t complete this task? How does this task contribute to my long-term goals? Does this task align with my values and priorities?

Sometimes, it doesn’t matter if a task takes much time or less time.

Focus on what truly matters: getting things done that will impact your long-term goals and overall productivity.

Remember, time management isn’t just about completing as many tasks as possible; it’s about making progress towards what truly matters to you.

Don’t stress over labels. Focus on the value each task brings and prioritize accordingly.

The Trap of Digital Detoxes

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that a digital detox is the answer to all our time management woes.

After all, we often blame technology for distracting us and stealing our valuable time from our daily tasks.

But here’s the thing: technology itself is not the problem. It’s how we use it that makes all the difference.

Sure, constantly checking social media or getting lost in an endless loop of YouTube videos and text messages can eat away at our productivity. But instead of completely unplugging from technology, what if we learned to harness its power to enhance our time management skills?

Source: Pexels

Choose your tech wisely

There are so many options out there when it comes to technology, and each one promises to make our lives easier and more efficient. But the truth is, not all tech is created equal.

Take a moment to reflect on how you currently use technology in your daily life. Are there any apps or devices that are more of a distraction than a help?

Maybe it’s time to let go of those and focus on the ones that truly add value.

Switch to productivity tools that can help you stay organized, track your progress, and manage your time effectively. A simple calendar tool or project management app is a good start.

At the end of the day, it’s all about finding the right balance between using technology to your advantage and avoiding its potential pitfalls.

Remember, good time management involves consciously and purposefully using the digital world to reduce stress and maximize productivity.

The Folly of Time Blocking

Are we mistakenly substituting busyness for productivity?

In the pursuit of effective time management tips, many people have turned to a popular method known as time blocking. In essence, you divide your day into specific blocks of time for different tasks or activities

While this approach may seem logical, it can often lead to folly – substituting busyness for productivity.

You see the problem arises when you become so focused on sticking to your meticulously set time limits that you fail to truly engage with the tasks at hand.

What you forget is that productivity is not solely about the quantity of work you complete, but also about the quality of that work. Time blocking can create a rigid structure that limits your ability to adapt and respond to unexpected challenges or opportunities.

Have more flexibility

Instead of obsessively adhering to timetables, consider adopting a more flexible approach.

Whether it’s for work or home, your day should be fun-filled with flexibility. So in case things don’t go as planned, you have the freedom to adjust and adapt without feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

Embrace the idea that life is unpredictable, and having a rigid schedule may not always be the best solution.

I’m Screwed. What Now?

Well, you’re not entirely screwed.

In fact, these time management tips can help you regain control and make the most of your time.

However, certain things need your more immediate attention than time management tips.

Identifying the root causes of poor time management

When you dig deeper into the real cause of your time management issues, you can start addressing them more effectively.

Is it a lack of proper planning? Are you easily distracted or find it hard to prioritize tasks? Perhaps it’s a combination of various factors.

Once you unc

over personal habits or behaviors that contribute to poor time management, you gain awareness of the right things that need to be done.

Imagine what this can do to your mental health.

Accepting responsibility and moving forward

That’s right. Don’t point fingers at other people or situations that may have contributed to your poor time management. Accepting responsibility is the first step towards making positive changes.

Acknowledge that you hold the power to change your habits and approach to managing your day.

Take ownership of your actions and commit to moving forward.

Source: Pexels

Creating a realistic and manageable schedule

Crafting a daily timetable that aligns with personal capabilities and accommodates individual needs is crucial for good time management.

Think about your strengths and limitations across your work and personal commitments.

When you design a specific time table that accommodates enough time for what you need to accomplish for the day, your goal of fulfilling a productive day becomes a reality.

Seeking outside help or guidance

Whoever said that doing things on your own was the only way to success clearly didn’t understand the power of seeking help.

As you go through these time management tips, why not bring along a trusted friend to help you figure things out?

Don’t hesitate to delegate or seek support when needed. Surround yourself with a network of people who can offer guidance, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

Time Management Tips: Take It or Leave It

In conclusion, good time management skills are about having more control of your time in a way that causes less stress in your life.

May it be personal time or professional time, you can take your planning and organizing skills to the next level.

Yes, I did say these tips don’t work, and with good reason.

Not all time management tips will work for everyone. Each person has their own unique circumstances and preferences.

So take these tips with a grain of salt and adapt them to your own needs.

Remember, time management is not a one-size-fits-all approach.

But if you start with understanding what’s going on and why you need these time management tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a master of your time.